Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Lama jgk rasanya x pegang duit bnyk2..dh kemaruk nk shopping dh ni..mcm2 aku nk bwat dgn duit elaun nnt..dgr crite lbih 5k..WOW!!! so this is a list of things to do once the allowance is in..

1) Beli gitar baru..dis one mmg aktiviti wajib every sem..hehe xtau knp..aku ni dh mcm tauke gitar plak..bli mhl2..dh puas main jual je murah2..hehe

2) make up moto..hihi i dont hv any interest in cars..tp aku bkn mat rempit yer..cuma aku suke moto sbb nmpk low profile skit..serius beb..moto aku ni pnjg critanya..penat menjaga..

3) Bayar hutang yg menggunung..haha yg ni mmg x bleh nk bwat ape..kalau korg tgk list of things to do korg tau la kn knp duit aku cpt je licin..heheh

4) G victoria station kat Bayan Baru..kn mye kn..hahaha

5) Super-snorkelling at Perhentian Island..hihi besnye..y i called it super? pegi dlu baru tau..heh
so based on the list above aku rasa aku akan abes 5k tu dlm 1 month kot..hahahahah


  1. ye.. btul.. yg no 4 tu tepat. euhu.. nak join yg no 5. muleh?

  2. oh boleh sahaja..lg ramai lg bes n lg murah..hehe sure x nyesal la..x cayer tnya aizat n md arep..hehe
